1 April 2020
. The number of infected people is still growing but the rate is slowing down: 8% at the moment. The increase in number of deaths comes from cases diagnosed between two to three weeks ago.
. Thanks to the Real Decreto de Permisos Retribuidos Recuperables, the mobility (by private car) in Madrid and Barcelona has been reduced nearly by 80%.
. After Spanish request of assistance to the NATO, Czech Republic, Latvia, Luxembourg and Turkey manifested their willingness help by shipping medical equipment. Japan has also joined this call sending through 22T of personal protective equipment (PPE).
. The Ministerio de Transportes y Movilidad has launched a site with a map of take away places for those workers who are required to continue their activity during the State of Alarm.
. For information on social and economic measures, please click here: Real Decreto-Ley 11/2020 de medidas urgentes complementarias en el ámbito social y económico (B.O.E 1st April 2020).
Further information on COVID-19: https://www.camara.es/sistema-cameral-ante-crisis-coronavirus