Renewable Energy Forum: The Future of Clean Energy in Australia: Beyond 2020

Renewable Energy Forum: The Future of Clean Energy in Australia: Beyond 2020

22 March 2018

La Camara held in Sydney its 2018 Renewable Energy Forum: The Future of Clean Energy in Australia: Beyond 2020.

Attendees had the opportunity to listen to key stakeholders discussing about different topics such as the challenges of delivering projects, emerging technologies, future policy direction and investment in the clean energy sector.

La Camara would like to extend our gratitude to our members and friends that joined us to the 2018 edition of the Forum.

We would also like to thank our distinguished guests, H.E. Mr Manuel Cacho, Ambassador of Spain to Australia, and Mr Juan Manuel Molina Lamothe, Consul-General of Spain in Sydney.

This event would not have been successful without the generous support of our sponsors:
. Diamond Sponsor: Commonwealth Bank
. Strategic Partner: Acciona
. Silver Sponsors: Polyglot Group and Ormazabal

La Camara would also like to thank ICEX Sydney for the valuable assistance for this event.