Polyglot Group releases a quick guide to Australian Payroll Compliance

14 January 2022 Polyglot Group and its Head of Corporate Services, Laura Sobron, have prepared a quick but detailed manual on the pillars of payroll compliance. Businesses today are expected to understand and remain up-to-date on a wide range of Employment and Labour regulations that govern their activities. In point of fact, employers who do …
The construction of the Sydney Football Stadium roof structure, carried out by S&L Steel, reaches 80% of the build

15 December 2021 S&L Steel started the installation of the SFS’ roof structure in January and is now putting the last pieces of the roof’s steel into place. The company and it’s Managing Director and Board member of La Camara, Pablo Santos, have brought this project together with no delays despite the pandemic. S&L Steel was …
S&P Global Ratings upgrades CaixaBank’s long-term debt rating from ‘BBB+’ to ‘A-’ and maintains a stable outlook

13 January 2022 CaixaBank, S.A. informed that the rating agency S&P Global Ratings Europe Limited (S&P Global) had raised the following ratings of the bank as a result of the update of the rating agency’s bank rating criteria: – Long-term issuer credit rating (ICR) to A- from BBB+, maintaining the outlook Stable. – Senior preferred debt …