Renewable Energy Forum: Is the Australian Network Ready for a Clean Energy Future?

Renewable Energy Forum: Is the Australian Network Ready for a Clean Energy Future?

20 November 2019

La Camara held in Melbourne the 2019 Renewable Energy Forum on Is the Australian Network Ready for a Clean Energy Future?

We would like to thank our Corporate Member Baker McKenzie for sponsoring and hosting this key event and to Ormazabal for their support as Silver Sponsors.

Attendees had the opportunity to listen to high calibre speakers from both the public and private sector discussing current topical areas such as the Transmission network access reform, challenges to Energy Storage policy, the next wave of investment in Renewable Energy and leveraging from international experience.

La Camara would like to thank our distinguished guests the Hon. Lily D’Ambrosio MP, Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change, Minister for Solar Homes – Government of Victoria, Luis Sánchez-Vellisco, Chargé d’affaires a.i. – Embassy of Spain in Canberra for delivering the key note speech and official welcome and to Antonio Polidura Alvarez-Novoa the Consul-General of Spain in Melbourne for attending this event. Thank you also to Maria Jose Rodriguez, President of La Camara for facilitating and to Kate Phillips, Partner for warmly welcoming our members and guests on behalf of Baker McKenzie. We would also like to extend our gratitude to Alfonso Vega de Seoane, member of the Board and head of La Camara’s Renewable Energy planning committee responsible for delivering this year’s strong programme.

Last but not least, thank you to all our members and friends for attending this event.

Panellists and facilitators:

. Session on Transmission Network Access Reform. Is reform keeping pace with market growth?: Facilitator: Kane Thornton, Clean Energy Council. Panellists: Jim Cox, Australian Energy Regulator (AER), Andrew Dillon, Energy Networks Australia and Tom Walker, Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC).

. Session on Is Energy Storage policy meeting the demands of fast-paced technological advancements in battery storage?: Facilitator: Alfonso Vega de Seoane, ASLAT Consulting. Panellists: Juan Miguel Gutierrez, Ingeteam Australia, Patrick Vera, Fotowatio Renewable Ventures (FRV), Grant Cushion, Victorian Government and Amy Kean, NSW Department of Planning and Environment.

. Session on Leveraging the know-how of Renewable Energy companies operating internationally. How experience overseas is contributing to the Australian energy market: Facilitator: Brett Wickham, ACCIONA Energy. Panellists: German Burbano, Indra Australia and Belinda Fan, X-Elio.

. Session on Maximizing and consolidating Investment in Renewable Energy: Facilitator: Kate Phillips, Baker McKenzie. Panellists: Paul Curnow, Baker McKenzie and Andrew Walton, Octopus Investments.